Five Ways Digitalization Streamlines the Certification Process
Verification management is a new, more efficient product development approach that allows you to start connected and stay connected. With the ability to integrate simulation and virtual testing into your project plan, you can plan the certification testing and documentation in real time – at the same time you’re designing parts and systems. This will allow you to create a link between the virtual and physical testing for proof of compliance – which reduces reliance on physical parts. And from requirements through service, you’ll have a fully traceable and auditable chain of data.
With a virtual verification and validation process, you can more efficiently produce and more confidently show proof of compliance of your new advanced products and achieve certification faster. There are five ways digitalization processes such as this help streamline the aircraft certification process.
Five ways digitalization streamlines the certification process:
1. Integrate certification into program plan
2. Stay up to date with design changes
3. Stay in flight over lifespan
4. Trace data from requirements through service
5. Improve collaboration